Arkansas - Immediate Lease Takeover in Springdale, AR


  • ID #1679248
  • Contract Type FOR RENT
  • State Arkansas
  • Last Update Date 2022-12-03

Arkansas - Immediate Lease Takeover in Springdale, AR


Immediate Lease takeover @ the Vineyards at Jones Road in Springdale, AR.
Rent is about $967/mo
Lease ends in August of 2023
I do not own these apartments, just looking for someone to take over my lease. Apartments are The Vineyards at Jones Road. Very nice location, right across the street from Harps, Smoothie King and more! Right off of Sunset in Springdale. The apartment is a ground floor, and I don't believe there is anyone occupying the floor above it. Neighbors are friendly but keep to themselves. There is a small patio to decorate, use for storage, or entertaining. PET FRIENDLY. Again, I don't own these apartments!
I am looking to move immediately due to work and life changes and need to find someone to take over my lease.

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